EMA Tournament, Boston
January 19th 2003

Dragons 2nd outing of the year

Black Dragons squad competed for the 2nd time in two weeks with eight of their members.

Out of the eight members we managed a tally of seven medals, so well done to everyone!

Pictured left to right, front row: Beth Allars and Sam Sobkowiak
Back row left to right:
Di Hansen, Phill Kay, Pete Cook, David Robinson and Di Sobkowiak. (Daniel Burrell not pictured.)

Results for the Dragons are as follows:

Beth Allars 2nd Sam Sobkowiak 1st, Di Hansen 2nd, Phill Kay 3rd, Pete Cook 3rd, David Robinson 4th, Di Sobkowiak 3rd and Daniel Burrell 3rd.

All the team acquitted themselves to a very good standard and should be proud of their achievements so far.