WUMA Millennium Open, Cheltenham
April 27th 2003

April 27th was the Millenium Open at Cheltenham. This was one of the largest WUMA tournaments of the year so far with some excellent fighters. Yet another good turnout from the Dragons with around 20 representing our squad. Below are the results of the UFBDA squad.

Pete Cook 2nd Korean Patterns
Colin Muress 2nd light cont
Beth Allars 2nd light cont
Paul Mayfeild 2nd light cont
Pete Cook 3rd points
Phill Kay 3rd points
Di Hansen 3rd points
Beth Allars 3rd points
Sam Sobkowiak 3rd points
Paul Mayfeild 3rd points
Darrell Wren 3rd points
Michelle Keetley 3rd light cont
Jamie Keal 3rd light cont