ISKA round 1 at Merrimac Sports hall, Gold Coast in Queensland had nine members from the Bayside Black Dragons in action with a total of 13 trophies won.
1st up was Keira in her debut in points she made us proud but missed out this time.
2nd up Kye in his debut with good performances he won 3rd place in points
3rd up Sam in his debut again winning 3rd place in points
Leanne was next, also in her debut taking on an experienced fighter in the final. After winning both her point and continuous section, she went on to win 2nd place in both.
Leila and Phoebe were up next, with Leila for the first time going up to the Advanced and Black belt section. Both girls did us proud, both reaching the final in points and continuous. The result was the same for both sections with Phoebe's experience showing through this time to win.
Next up in the Novice/Intermediate section, both fighters competing for the first time and both in the same category, Jake won a 1st in the points with Jaie getting 2nd. The role was different in the continuous, with Jake having to settle for the 3rd place. Jaie however got to the final and after a hard battle, a well placed front kick stopped his opponent who could not carry on, giving both Jake and Jaie 1st places on the day.
Last up was the old man and coach Pete, again fighting in the Open Weight 18 years and over. Pete sailed into the final looking sharp for a 50 year old. In the final it was a different matter as he was up against the ISKA World cup winner Alex Kirkwood. It was a good fight but Alex was too quick, with Pete taking a well-earned 2nd place.
Our next outing is the ISKA round 2 in Caboulture on the Sunshine Coast on May 6th.
Sam Carlyle - 8 yrs novice points 3rd
Kye Carlyle - 9 yrs novice points 3rd
Leanne Carlyle - Adult novice points 1st, continuous 1st
Jake Carlyle - Adult novice points 1st, continuous 3rd
Jaie Wilde - Adult novice points 2nd, continuous 1st
Phoebe Coleman - Advanced 1st points, continuous 1st
Leila Bloomfield - Advanced 2nd points, continuous 2nd
Pete Cook - 2nd points
Pete on his result: "second - after getting beat by the current world and Australian champ who is only 28 years younger. God, I love this sport!"