Samson Joins the Black Belt Elite - February 2003

Sam Sobkowiak has become the first junior under the UFBDA to achieve his 1st Dan Black Belt; this was no ordinary grading as Sam along with 13 other hopefuls had the extra pressure of being examined by Master Shi Xing Du who is the 32nd generation Shaolin Temple Monk. The Grading started on the Saturday when all who were grading had to attend the Cheltenham leisure centre for five hours, showing their speed, power and agility from techniques that they have been taught from their style of martial art.

On the Sunday it was more up tempo as another five hours had to be done, in this session all students had to show their street self defence, unarmed and armed along with set sequences from their particular style. After the five hours had finished the prospective black belts had to travel over to the WUMA HQ about three miles away, then the real work started. Sam had to endure three hours of quick fire techniques given by eight different-styled martial arts grading examiners led by Master Xing Du.

He had to do shadow sparring, free sparring, Pad and Bag work and was only allowed to stop for much needed drink when allowed. For those who have not yet endured this grading you earn every stitch on the belt and should always wear it with pride and the knowledge of knowing it was well deserved.

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