UFBDA Australia - Colour Belt Grading December 2011
December 13th - time for another Colour Belt Grading in Australia, and once again a happy bunch of Dragons.
Here are the students accepting their certificates from Master Cook.

10th Kup Yellow Tag: Lucy Serafini, William Serafini, Ellie-Mae Saddington, Aiden Rowe and Daniel Rowe
9th Kup Yellow Belt: Jake Carlyle, Leanne Carlyle, Sam Carlyle, Keira Carlyle and Kye Carlyle
5th Kup Brown Belt white Tag: Leila Bloomfield

Well done to all!

Harry Hardwick
Stuart Hardwick

Lucy Serafini
William Serafini
Willaim Serafini again Daniel Rowe
Aiden Rowe
Jake Carlyle
Leanne Carlyle
Leila Bloomfield

Back row L-R
Leila Bloomfield, Daniel Rowe, Leanne Carlyle, Jake Carlyle and Harry Hardwick
Front Row L-R
William Serafini, Lucy Serafini, Aiden Rowe and Stuart Hardwick
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