Saturday 16th March was a special occasion, a Black Belt, Colour Belt Grading, plus a seminar, hosted by UFBDA President Pete Cook.

A number of Terry's students were grading today, and - uniquely - so were two of the Dragons instructors - namely Callum and Terry himself.

Throughout the morning seminar, Pete demonstrated his expertise, with a series of hands (and feet) -on techniques, and hopefully passed on some useful tricks to his audience. The students were put through the grading grinder, and just to prove that the instructors don't ask anything they wouldn't do themselves, Terry and Callum were put though their paces too, under the watchful eyes of Pete and Karen. And during the day, there was a special presentation - Fourth Dan Black Belt to Louise, in recognition of her continuing commitment to the UFBDA. Congratulations, Lou!

Here is a selection of pics from the day. You can find the full gallery in the UFBDA Facebook group.

Warming-up exercises
Guard up - off we go
Pete leads the line work
And a little self-defence